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 Duderstadt Municipal Archive

Technical Documentation

The pages which are presented here contain a model for integration of digitalised archival records in a hypertext system. The information given here is based on archival registers.

The main component of this system is the presentation of the order of records in the Duderstadt Municipal Archive. This should enable the user to access the records by intuition independent of the computer hardware. The system is constructed so that every user can reach an electronic register at the end of every hierarchical level. From this access to the records is possible.

This is a modular system in so far as more register information and more records can be integrated at any time. At tis time the registers of the sections Official Books, Diplomas and Manuscriptsare totally integrated. The section Files are integrated with the records Dud 1 (Rep 11), Dud 2 (Rep 13, up to 1896) and local districts ("Ortsteile") (Rep 51).

Alternatively the electronic registers can be accessed by the survey of the stock of records. There is also the possibility of a online search in a kleio database. All the above named records are managed in this database. Access through headwords, persons and places is possible.

The server enables access on all the digitalised images from the digitalisation program. The images are supplied as high-compressed JPEG-files (now 54,000).


First the archive records are digitalised in a very high qualitiy. A resolution of 300 dpi with 8 bit grayscale (256 colours) is necessary for the usage of image processors. This effects very large data files (6-10 MB), which are cumbersome to handle for current computer systems. Because of that the data is transformed from the TIFF format (Tagged Image File Format) to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), which has a high compression rate.

During this transformation a lot of data is lost, which causes a lower quality of the images in the presentation. An electronic watermark, which has the shape of the medieval Duderstadt town seal, is also put into the images. The size of the images in this presentation is so adjusted, that on a screen with 1280x1024 points in the horizontal the images are fully shown. If necessary, the browser has to be adjusted on the whole size of the screen.


Nearly all text and HTML pages in this presentation are generated automatically. The basis for this is a kleio database, which includes all information about records, further information and images. This kleio database is also the system for online search.

[first page] [order of records] [investigation of a database]

© Stadtarchiv Duderstadt / MPI für Geschichte