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Welcome to the digital Duderstadt Municipal Archive (Germany)!

As part of a joint project with the Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte in Göttingen, between 1996 and 1999 the Duderstadt Municipial Archive (Stadtarchiv Duderstadt) digitalized their oldest records. The results of the digitalisation programme, and of the registration of further records, are presented in this form for the first time.

The Duderstadt Municipal Archive has a computer system to manage special records. This computer system makes it possible to make investigations about key words, persons and places, which are a part of the record titles. The following pages give information on how to conduct an investigation and how to use the tools.

   rules for the usage of the archivals Information zu Kleio-Projekten
   stock of records - survey
   access by the order of records
   investigation of the database

More information about the project and technical documentation are available. Those who work on this project would be pleased to receive your comments and advices.

If you want to use the Duderstadt archivals for research, you are requested to fill the application form. Also pay attention to the rules for the usage of the archivals.

Please note: The Duderstadt Municipal Archive is a German archive. Only the first levels of this www presentation are translated into English. If you want to use this as a research system, you would need some basic knowledge of the German language. The database, through which the research had been conducted, contains mostly German terms, but also some in Latin and in "Mittelniederdeutsch", an old German dialect.

All the data presented in this pages is protected by a copyright. The Duderstadt Municipial Archive reserves all publication rights of images of records within this presentation. Copying of the images is prohibited. All access is logged.


Ausschnitt aus einer Handskizze von 1590


© Stadtarchiv Duderstadt / MPI für Geschichte